Sunday, June 22, 2008

The Festival Of Festivals

Happily has been invited to participate in the 16th annual Festival of Festivals in Saint Petersburg, Russia. We're screening at the Дом Кино, пятница, 27 июня, 22.30 (House of Cinema, Friday, June 27th at 10:30pm). Ochen horosho and yellow blue bus!

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Okie Dokie

Well, we just got back from the deadCenter Film Festival which takes place dead center in Oklahoma (Oklahoma City for you geography majors) and these were the highlights:
  1. People there are waaaay to nice. Not in the scary sense, but coming from the west coast, it's strange to have conversations with random people on the street.
  2. OK is a wonderful place for carnivores. That being said, the food was quite tasty.
  3. There's a really cool Chihuly exhibit in the OKC Museum of Art. In case you don't know who that is, he's the master glass-smith (is that how you refer to them?) that did the entry way to the Bellagio Casino in Las Vegas. It's kinda funny to think that a collection of glass sculptures are stationed in Tornado Alley, but that's how they roll there.
  4. We learned how Okies use their noodle in the movie Okie Noodling II.
  5. Lidia had her hair touched by director Bradley Beesley. And now she will never wash her hair again. Gee thanks Bradley.
All in all, it was a great excuse to go to OK.

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Our First STIFFY!

You could file this post under "inappropriate goodness," but as the title says it's true. Happily received it's first STIFFy. The STIFFy is none other than an award given by STIFF (Seattle True Independent Film Festival). What made us STIFF you ask? According to them we were the most original concept. Thanks guys!

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